New Hairstyle Trend to Try on..Braids!!!

Braids are becoming more and more popular these days and I, for one feel that wearing my hair the same way every single day can get very monotonous…
Braids give a very beachy and flirty look and can really change the way we look for good.Here are different kind of braids worn by celebreties you can seek inspiration from …

Personally, I am a great fan of Eva Longoria ‘s style and I instantly fell in love with some cool braids she wore in the recent episodes of Desperate Housewives ..!

There are several eclectic ‘how to’ tutorials on different kinds of braids (French braids,Fish-tail braids,Water-fall braids and so on ) you can find on YouTube.

I found this particular YouTube channel  very inspiring   !

Well, What kind of braids would you want to try on???